The Right Time For Simplified Solutions.
Most Lenovo Skype room today suffer from these problems:-
• Projector, audio, cameras need separate connections.
• Meetings are delayed by and average of 10+ minutes due to ‘tech issues’.
• Only 1 person’s PC controls the meeting room.
• Content sharing is not reliable and stable.
• IT and Facilities teams have to provide and manage multiple devices, cables, ports and power outlets.
• Audio levels are too low, and not always clear.
• External participants find it hard to connect.
• Companies will spend $100B on “Collaboration Technology” in 2020.
• 92% of businesses are planning Workplace Transformation Initiatives (WTI) to build Smart Offices.
Why Lenovo Skype room systems:-
F a s t . S i m p l e . E a s y.
• Fast start of meetings without the usual connection and sharing hassles.
• Simple and powerful Skype for Business gives best control of sharing and participation.
• Easy dial out from landlines using the built-in PSTN functionality.
C l e a r. R i c h . S u p e r i o r.
• Clear speech for remote participants even when you speak from anywhere in the room.
• Rich and powerful sound for the whole room with Dolby® Premium tuned speakers.
• Superior connection stability for everyone because it’s a purpose built device.
I n f o r m a t i v e . P r a c t i c a l . P r o d u c t i v e .
• Informative calendar shows current and upcoming meetings and participant roster.
• Practical touches such as Skype status indication through 3-color LED & meeting timer.
• Productive features for meetings include spotlighting of participants and presenters.